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About Us

Strategy Club is born out of 40 years of experience as strategy practitioners.

We’ve worked, and learned, from both sides of the table. As corporate strategists, we’ve had challenges thrown at us where we dreamt of tapping a peer community for advice, perspectives, and tools. And as management consultants, we’ve experienced the power of a knowledge community, and seen how valuable knowledge in one company is a blind spot in another. 


Time and again, we’ve seen non-rivalrous knowledge and knowhow trapped inside one company, while another was busy reinventing the wheel or engaging consultants to help out. 


The simple premise of Strategy Club is to network this knowledge, creating a public good available to all our member companies, teams, and individuals


Our mission is to make Strategy Club members more creative and impactful in their jobs, and to improve their career opportunities.


Imagine having the combined brain power, skills, and experience of thousands of strategy peers from a vast array of industries and markets at your fingertips.


To answer questions. Give different and fresh perspectives. To share hard earned experiences and recommendations. Provide proven practices and tools. To help one another advance and succeed. How much faster could you go? How much further?​


We want a Strategy Club membership to provide 10x the value of traditional networking and learning alternatives at 1/10 of the price. 


To deliver on this, we’ve built Strategy Club as a global community, exclusively for corporate strategists. We estimate that there are ~250,000 of us worldwide - enough to create network effects, and few enough to ensure maximum signal and minimum noise.


The wisdom and generosity of this exclusive crowd is the value proposition of Strategy Club.

The 3 problems Strategy Club addresses

Corporate strategy teams work on the most critical issues and complex questions, and influence management discussions and strategic decisions. The work is exciting and rewarding, but also demanding. Stakes are high, timelines are short, and the variety of issues to solve is almost infinite. Against this backdrop, corporate strategist are faced with three structural constraints to improve their skills, knowhow, and on the job performance.

Academic institutions package learning as episodic, individual events with content that is often far removed from your daily work, colleagues, and practical challenges. As a result, most participants have difficulties sharing and applying this (expensive) knowledge in their everyday work.


Management consultants solve the same problems over and over, whereas corporate strategists confront a multiplicity of issues once or twice. Without a high-quality peer network, corporate strategists become jack-of-all-strategy-trades, and risk becoming overly captive to specialized consultants.


Every company has important lessons to teach and learn. But global networks like LinkedIn are too loose to provide real leverage, and local networks are too small to find great matches for a particular challenge. As a result, most of the world’s practical strategy and transformation knowledge is siloed within company walls.


Values and vibes

​Strategy Club is founded upon an ethos of openness and contribution. Networking siloed knowledge is an immensely powerful idea, but it is also fragile when it comes to execution. We encourage every member to share insights, experiences, and resources to help build communal value and create a virtuous cycle of collaborative learning. Strategy Club is a positive sum game: the more you give, the more you get.

  • We are open and curious.

  • We contribute and engage.

  • We help and advance one another.

  • We have fun, life is too short not to!

Stronger together!

Why join Strategy Club?

  • Learn from like-minded peers

  • Hone your skills and toolbox

  • Crowdsource community insights

  • Solve problems smarter and faster

  • Broaden your frontier knowledge

  • Get mentoring and peer advice

  • Enhance your network and brand

  • Boost your career opportunities.

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